In Swift everything has a type. And these types can be fairly detailed. For example, Swift makes a clear distinction between a single Character, and a Collection of Characters.
A Character in Swift can be any Character, this includes Emoji characters, and any other special character from any language set. You aren’t limited to UTF-8 characters.
Like many other programming languages Swift allows an escape sequence to represent special characters like these:
- \n Line Feed
- \r Carriage return
- \t Tab stop
- \\ Backslash
Characters also have a Name which describes the Character. For example a might be LATIN-SMALL LETTER A, while an Emoji might be FRONT-FACING BABY CHICK.
A String is a collection of Characters. The String has methods that allow us to access each Character in the String, and modify those Characters.
The String Class has so many options I couldn’t list them all here. All of the standard features you would expect exist. Though they might some different names. Things like:
- substringFromIndex
- substringToIndex
- stringByReplacingCharactersInRange
- stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString