JS Content Manager 2

These pens add a few features to content manager.

Transition Manager 2

The first example adds transitions in four directions. I modified the showView method, adding parameters which describe the transition.

showView(newView, exit, start, enter)

  • newView – The view to show
  • exit – an object with properties describing the how the current view will exit
  • start – an object with properties describing where the new view should be positioned before it enters.
  • enter – an object with properties describing how the new view will enter

I also added four helper methods to to create transitions that slide in from four directions.

  • pushLeft(newView)
  • pushRight(newView)
  • pushUp(newView)
  • pushDown(newView)

In the example you’ll see the buttons all execute a pushRight(). Try changing these to pushUp, or pushDown.

Transition Manager 3

This example keeps the views in an array, something like [A, B, C]. It chooses the transition based on the relationship and position of the current view to the new view.

If the new view (A for example) is to the left of the current view (B, for example) in the array the transition is pushRight(). If the new view (C for example) is to the right of the current view (B for example) the transition is push left.

To do this I added an array, viewsArray, and added all of the views to the array. I also added a new function: showViewInArray(newView). This function finds the index of the current view, and the new view and compares them, and decides which method to call: pushLeft(), or pushRight().


JS – Using the Camera with getUserMedia

I just found out you can now use the camera and the microphone with JS. This all hinges on: navigator.getUserMedia. At this time it only has partial support and you’ll need to use a browser prefix for all of the popular browsers. You can check support here.

Note! You can’t use navigator.getUserMedia from a URL that begins with file://. This means you can’t use this command when testing your project from the desktop! You will need to create a local server on your computer, or upload your files to your web host and test them from there.

If you’re looking for a local web host try MAMP (Mac), or WAMP (Windos). These are simple and easy to use.

Since navigator.getUserMedia() is not implemented by all browsers (yet), you’ll need to check for the vendor specific function: webkitGetUserMedia, mozGetUserMedia, msGetUserMedia. THe block below assigns the vendor method to navigator.getUserMedia, after which you’ll use that name.

if (!navigator.getUserMedia) {
    navigator.getUserMedia = navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia ||
        navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia;

Next choose a media source, and set success, and error callbacks.Notice the first parameter for getUseMedia is an object with properties: audio, and video. Set the media type you wish to access to true.

if (navigator.getUserMedia) {
        audio: true,
        video: true
    }, success, error);
} else {
    alert('getUserMedia not supported in this browser.');

What happens with the callbacks is up to you. For the error, you might as well log a message.

function error() { 
    console.log("Couldn't get a stream."); 

On a success, what to do is a little more involved. The success method will receive a stream. The data in the stream will depend on the device.

function success(stream) { 
    // Here you have connected to a device, and are receiving a stream.

The success handler returns a MediaStream object which represents a stream of audio and video data. How you handle this depends on what you want to do and what time of stream, you requested: audio, video, or both.

The MediaStream Object can be assigned to a DOM element. Which makes for an easy way to display a video stream. Audio on the other hand doesn’t really sense if you attach it to a an audio tag. Most often you probably will not want to play audio as you are recording it.

Image Capture example…


<div class="camera">
 <video id="video-still">Video stream not available.</video>
 <button id="startbutton">Take photo</button>

<canvas id="canvas">

<div class="output">
 <img id="photo" alt="The screen capture will appear in this box.">


// ** Capture a still image **
// This block of code is contained in a self invoked function. 

(function() {
    // Set a width and height for the video/image

    var width = 320; // We will scale the photo width to this
    var height = 0; // This will be computed based on the input stream

    // |streaming| indicates whether or not we're currently streaming
    // video from the camera. Obviously, we start at false.

    var streaming = false;

    // The various HTML elements we need to configure or control. These
    // will be set by the startup() function.

    var video = null;
    var canvas = null;
    var photo = null;
    var startbutton = null;

    // ****************************************************************
    // Start capturing video
    function startup() {
        // Define elements 
        video = document.getElementById('video-still');
        canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
        photo = document.getElementById('photo');
        startbutton = document.getElementById('startbutton');
        // Check for vendor version of getUserMedia
        navigator.getMedia = (navigator.getUserMedia ||
            navigator.webkitGetUserMedia ||
            navigator.mozGetUserMedia ||
        // Check for getUserMedia
        if (!navigator.getMedia) {
            // No user media exit
            console.log("Has get user media");
        // invoke getUserMedia to start a video stream. 
            video: true,    // Get video
            audio: false    // No audio
        }, getMediaSuccess, getMediaError); // Pass a success, and error function
        // Media success function
        function getMediaSuccess(stream) {
            // Check for FireFox. 
            if (navigator.mozGetUserMedia) {
                video.mozSrcObject = stream; // Assign the stream to #video-still
            } else {
                var vendorURL = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
                video.src = vendorURL.createObjectURL(stream); // Assign the stream to #video-still
            video.play(); // Tell #video-still to play

        // This is invoked on a user media error. 
        function getMediaError(error) {
            console.log("An error occured! " + error);

        // Add an event to the #video-still. The canplay event occurs when 
        // the video is ready to play. 
        video.addEventListener('canplay', function (event) {
            // Check the streaming flag. 
            if (!streaming) {
                // Not streaming.
                // Get the height of the video
                height = video.videoHeight / (video.videoWidth / width);

                // Firefox currently has a bug where the height can't be read from
                // the video, so we will make assumptions if this happens.

                if (isNaN(height)) {
                    height = width / (4 / 3);
                // Set some attributes of the #video-still element
                video.setAttribute('width', width);
                video.setAttribute('height', height);
                canvas.setAttribute('width', width);
                canvas.setAttribute('height', height);
                // Set streaming to true
                streaming = true;
        }, false);

        // Add click event to #startbutton
        startbutton.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
            takepicture(); // Take a picture
        }, false);

    // End startup function
    // ****************************************************************

    // #canvas is used to hold a still image. Here the convas is cleared 
    // by filling with gray. 
    function clearphoto() {
        // Fill with a gray
        var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
        context.fillStyle = "#AAA";
        context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
        // Set the data url of #photo to the image on the canvas
        var data = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
        photo.setAttribute('src', data);

    // Capture a photo by fetching the current contents of the video
    // and drawing it into a canvas, then converting that to a PNG
    // format data URL. By drawing it on an offscreen canvas and then
    // drawing that to the screen, we can change its size and/or apply
    // other changes before drawing it.
    // Capture an image. 

    function takepicture() {
        var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
        if (width && height) {
            canvas.width = width;
            canvas.height = height;
            context.drawImage(video, 0, 0, width, height);

            var data = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
            photo.setAttribute('src', data);
        } else {

    // Set up our event listener to run the startup process
    // once loading is complete.
    // This calls startup (above)
    window.addEventListener('load', startup, false);



Screen Shot 2015-06-15 at 1.05.48 PMParse.com is a service that wants to provides a backend for your social media apps. It’s my opinion that Parse is the easiest and fastest way for designers to get into creating social media apps and web sites.

How do we do it now?

The standard method to create a social media app or web site is to create a database and access the database using code written in MySQL. You also need code written in PHP to facilitate transactions with MySQL and manage content from the database. Together this is called the backend. All of these processes happen on a remote computer, your web host.

To have something people can look at you use HTML, CSS, and Javascript. This is called the frontend. You use HTML to structure your web pages, CSS to style them, and javascript to add functionality.

Let’s sum that up. To make a web site that has social media features you need (from front to back):

  • HTMLStructures your data in the browser
  • CSS – Styles the content in the browser
  • Javascript – Adds functionality to the browser
  • PHP – Handles backend services and transactions with the database
  • MySQL – Stores and organizes data


Parse.com provides a service that removes the need for backend programming from the equation. With Parse all of the backend code is handled by the front end. Parse calls itself a: BaaS, which stands for Backend as a Service. The Parse service provides a ready made and hosted backend that can be used to build just about any type of social media app or web site.

Parse saves time by not requiring that you write backend code for creating and configure databases and tables. Parse provides ready made systems for managing user accounts and login. Creating a user login with Parse is as simple as creating the login or sign up form in HTML, CSS, and adding a few lines JavaScript.

For the record, I do not works for Parse and receive nothing from them. As an educator I see Parse as being the easiest way for students to make their social ideas into truly functional apps. For anyone else trying to make their social media ideas into real functioning work, Parse removes many of the roadblocks.

Who would benefit from Parse

Anyone wanting to get started making a social media network would benefit. Parse is well suited to small groups or individuals who want to get started making a social media site. If your skills are more frontend oriented, HTML, CSS, JS, then Parse will save you the trouble of learning PHP, MySQL.

Parse is targeted at startups and small teams looking to create new social media platforms quickly and easily. I see it as a perfect fit for students, as the focus of our students is on front end design and programming. Building an app with Parse moves all of the work of creating a social media app into the front end, and concentrates programming tasks into a smaller set of more familiar tools: HTML, CSS, and JS.

How does Parse work?

In short the Parse service works with Javascript. Essentially you create objects you wish to save in Javascript, and the Parse server takes care of the rest. To display data from the server you request objects from the Parse server through Javascript. Obviously there is a more to it than those two sentences, but not much more.

What kind of things can you make with Parse?

Any social media web site or App. Parse provides libraries code for Xcode, and Android. You can make mobile Application with much less effort, and I’ll say it again, without having to create a backend service, and database. Check out this page of customers using Parse:


Hello Kitty is using Parse!


Famo.us – Scrollview


I really like the look of Famo.us, I just haven’t had the time to play with it much. I had some time today, and thought I should wait no longer! Having already done the tutorials on the Famo.us University pages, I thought I’d try and tackle some more practical problems.


When making mobile applications, the scrollview is ubiquitous. This is a UI widget that shows up everywhere and has so many uses. Luckily Famo.us has a an example in their Starter Kit. Download it from their home page.

The scrollview example is located in reference-examples/views/scrollview.

Take a look at the example itself. The code looks pretty simple, if you’ve gone through the University Tutorials, you should recognize many of the features. Open the example in a browser and test it. Just a set of colored rows with a single line of text. The scrollview doesn’t scroll with a click and drag. It does scroll with a swipe on the track pad. This doesn’t look like it’s doing anything, or is it? Try it in the iOS simulator, or on your mobile device. Here it scrolls with a swipe as expected.

Screen Shot 2014-09-19 at 12.10.43 PM

Take a look at the files in the example folder. There are really two files:

  • index.html
  • src/main.js

Looking at index.html you will see that there is not a whole lot there. There are a few links to js files, that are commented as “Shims for backwards compatibility.” I’ll guess these are not necessary for modern browsers. Then there is a section commented as “famous.” I’ll take a guess that this is the main famous stuff. This section has two style sheets and two js scripts. The first script loads famous from the famous CDN. While the second script loads “src/main.js”, which is the example js.

Take a look at main.js. Overall this is pretty short. The code is wrapped in a define() block. The function passed to define must be called when the rest of the famous and the DOM is loaded. Here require() is used to load modules of the famous code base.

  • Engine
  • Surface
  • Scrollview

After the requires, a context is created, mainContext. The context is the container that renders surfaces.

Next is a new Scrollview object is created.

Then a an empty array, surfaces, is defined. The array is passed to the scrollview object via sequenceFrom().

A note on scrollviews. In general these are set up to display items from a list, or array. The scrollview only displays the rows that are currently visible. If you have a list containing thousands of items, I imagine your iTunes library has thousands of items, your mobile computer does not have enough memory to display all of these as one giant list. Instead the the computer displays only the rows that are currently visible on the screen. I’m guessing Famous is using the same strategy. Hence it needs a list of surfaces to display. The scrollview will mange displaying these surfaces.

Next there is a for loop that builds surfaces and adds them to the surfaces array. Each surface is created with newSurface(). The content of a surface will be the text: “Surface: #”, where # is the number of the surface. The width is undefined, I’ll guess this allows the surface to be any width, and the height is 200 px. Next the surface is assigned properties. The background color, line height, and text align. These are standard CSS properties.

Each new surface was created in a local variable named temp. Next we’re calling the pipe() method and passing a reference to the scrollview. I’m not sure what this doing, I’ll have to revisit the Famous University.

Next push each new surface into the surfaces array.

Last, add the scrollview to the mainContext with add().

What next?

The best way to understand how these things work, and to develop ideas as to how you can use them for your own projects is to experiment! The best way to test these things is to start small. Making small changes and testing to observe the results.

As a start lets work with the content. Line 52 shows:

content: "Surface: " + (i + 1),

This seems to be the content of each row in the scrollview. Let’s play with this and test that assumption. Change the content, try making these changes:

  • Change the text
  • Add HTML tags to format the text

Next change the size of the rows. As is each row 200 px tall, note that the content has a line height 200 px which places the text in the vertical center, and also makes the text take up the whole height of the row.

Change the line height to something more smaller. Add a second line of content to each row.

Try out these properties:

  • fontFamily, fontSize, color
  • border, borderTop

Customize row content

The tableview is not very useful if you can’t customize the content of each row. In the example, rows are generated within a loop, and the only real content is the row number.

Make an array to mock up some more relevant content. The demo uses a loop:

for (var i = 0, temp; i < 40; i++) {

Try replacing this with an array. Define an array and then loop through the array:

var array = ["A", "B", "C", "D"]; // add a lot more, do the whole alphabet
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {

With this you should see the same rows, but only as many rows as you have elements in the array. Now display the content from the array. Find where the content property is set for the surface. Try this:

content: "Surface: " + array[i] + " " + (i + 1),

At this point you should see something like: “Surface: A 0” for each row. You can use HTML and CSS in here also. Imagine this:

content: "<strong>Surface: " + array[i] + "</strong> " + (i + 1),

Add a class name. You’ll need to style this class in your style sheet.

content: "<strong><span class='title'>Surface:</span> <span class='content'>" + array[i] + "</span></strong> <span class='count'>" + (i + 1) + "</span>",

Watch the quotes carefully. Attribute values must always be in quotes. Since the outer quote is a double “, the inner quotes need to be single ‘.

Adjust the height of the cell.

size: [undefined, 100], // Change the height to 100

The example adds a few properties like:

 properties: {
     backgroundColor: "hsl(" + (i * 360 / 40) + ", 100%, 50%)",
     lineHeight: "200px",
     textAlign: "center"

These these generate CSS properties that are attached to the row element as inline styles. Prove this to yourself. Use the inspector to view one of the scrollview cell rows. You should see something like:

<div class="famous-surface" style="line-height: 200px; text-align: center; opacity: 0.999999; -webkit-transform-origin: 0% 0%; -webkit-transform: matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 200, 0, 1); width: 400px; height: 200px; background-color: rgb(255, 38, 0);">Surface: 2</div>

This shows each row is displayed from a div with a famous class, and some style properties. Some of the properties are applied by famous, while others were added by us when the surface was created.

I think it’s probably better to move our styles to a style sheet. At this point it’s hard to say if this is best practice for Famous. In any regular HTML page it would definitely be best practice.

Note that the color value is generated for each row, the value is based on the row number. It’s this system that gives us the great rainbow effect. For styles that need to be generated on the fly based on data only available when the surface element is created, setting the properties here is a good idea. For general properties, I’m guessing it will better to use a style sheet.







HTML5 is there yet?

Here are some thoughts on HTML5 and whether it’s up to the task of making mobile apps.

Mobile browsers lag, so mobile HTML5 apps suffer

This article from principal HTML5 evangelist at Mozzilla. He says browsers are not up to the task. This is coming from someone at a company that makes browsers. He’s saying the browsers don’t do enough to satisfy the vision that everyone has for HTML5. I have to ask is that a problem of the browser really? Is this a case where someone is saying “hey your browser needs to live up to my vision.”

He also says:

HTML5 is a recognized as a set of standards-based specifications for so-called modern Web applications with multimedia capabilities, leveraging JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets.

After reading this I had to ask. Is a web browser with multimedia capabilities really the platform to deliver full feature mobile applications?

Here’s another article

Forrester: HTML5 apps still not as good as native apps

Here is a quote:

But adopting HTML5 for mobile apps isn’t a panacea, as reflected in Forrester’s findings. In fact, one of the report’s survey responses noted that 59 percent of the time, apps developed solely using HTML5 took longer to deliver than planned. With non-native responsive frameworks, the greatest amount of time was lost testing and fixing issues.

The survey of developers says 59% of the time HTML5 apps took longer to develop.That flies in the face what people have been touting as common wisdom for the last few years. It seems to fit with my limited personal experience.

Here’s another survey:

Mobile app development: 94% of software developers bet on HTML5 winning

This survey from 2012 says an overwhelming percentage of developers are planning to use HTML5 to build their apps. Their top reason: familiarity with the languages HTML/CSS/JS. I have to ask is that the right reasoning? Admittedly the second most popular reason was cross platform compatibility. You can only imagine that wanting building apps in HTML5 since it is more familiar means that these people do not want to spend time learning a native development tool, and they thought it would be faster and easier. In the article above, from 2014, two years later, shows that a majority of developers agree that it took longer to develop their apps in HTML5. I can imagine that a fair amount of apps took just as long it would have taken to develop native. A few may have been developed faster. But for the majority it was longer or about the same, to develop an app that will lower performance than a native app.

Not sure this looks like it may have come from the same survey above, but doesn’t appear in that article:

Survey: Most Developers Now Prefer HTML5 For Cross-Platform Development

Again here they show 90% of developers using HTML5. I work with students developing apps, and many students want to use HTML5. Many for the reasons popular in the article above, ease and familiarity. I would say a majority of the projects are social media. Notice the chart here labeled types of apps. The most popular app is productivity at 54%, social media apps is 18%.

You could say that social there are fewer people developing social media, and that may be true, it’s hard to say from this chart. Look at games only 8%. Games have to be in the top three for shear volume in apps. Social media apps are also very popular. Looking at the chart in this light, you might start to think that people are choosing native for games and social media. Obviously you can’t make a definitive conclusion like this from this information, but it does hint that there is more to this than the 90% figure.

Also note that the survey was conducted by Telerik kendo UI who develop an HTML5 mobile framework. Some of the questions skew in the favor HTML5 like:

  • Only 15% of the more than 5,000 surveyed would use “Native-only” to target multiple platforms

Targeting multiple platforms with native is native’s biggest disadvantage.

I went out on a limb earlier and said that native apps had better performance. What does that mean?

Americans Prefer Native Mobile Apps Over HTML: Survey

This survey says people prefer native apps. Here’s a quote:

“Smartphone home screens across the country are littered with the tombstones of mediocre, try-once-and-forget apps,” Joseph Farrell, executive vice president of operations at Bite Interactive, said in a statement. “Brands and developers too often lose sight of the most important aspects of developing mobile applications: build in-brand, powerful and highly usable apps that continually deliver real value to your users by solving the problem they have asked you to solve. Delivering continued, iterative and brilliantly executed solutions to those evolving problems should always be the primary objective.”

I think this is a good point. Developing an app faster (or may be not faster) for less, is this a good thing when the user experience is poor? Did you really save time and money? Was your time and money well spent? Maybe not.

From a user perspective native is better. From a developer perspective HTML5 seems to be preferred. Think about that for a moment. Is this the cart driving the horse? shouldn’t a developer want to produce the app that will provide the best experience and performance for a user? Seems like there is little advantage in choosing to develop an app in HTML5 because you are familiar with it, rather than it is the best tool for the job.

But wait, there’s more. Here’s another.

Mobile app developers’ interest in HTML5 is slipping

Here’s an interesting paragraph:

This was the lowest level since Appcelerator began tracking the specification in April 2011. “Interest in HTML5 peaked in July 2012 at 72.7 percent and has shown and uneven but downward slope since,” the report said.

I think this is referring to the same survey that showed HTML5 down to 59%. They mention a downward trend. There isn’t a chart or reference to this, which is too bad. It should be noted, that the survey mentioned here is from Appcelerator, which is a JS based pseudo native app development tool.

Here’s a quote from another source:

In the battle between HTML5 and native apps, HTML5 is starting to become a strong contender. While native app approaches have been a top choice in the past, a recent survey revealed that 57% of participants believe HTML5 is enterprise-ready, or will be in within the next year.

I have been hearing this for a few years now. Note the article was from 2013. We’re in the fourth quarter of 2014, and I think it’s still debatable if HTML5 is “enterprise ready.”

Seems the real advantage to HTML5 for mobile apps is, that it is faster and easier to develop. Keep in mind that the earlier survey said 59% of developers thought it took longer to develop in HTML. Users also prefer native. In this light the advantages of HTML5 seem very slim to nonexistent.

Why post this? I don’t have an axe to grind, but I do feel there is a lot of hype in HTML5 these days. And it’s easy to see it as a good fit for everything. I feel this approach is not the correct approach. Without applying an honest critique to what is happening in the real world you run the risk of choosing a tool that is not the best fit the job. Which leaves you with a poorly performing product and more hassle than necessary. I believe there is a class of app that works well with HTML5, but it’s a small subset of all of the apps you could make. I also believe that the margin in development effort between native HTML5 much slimmer than what most people would suggest, and possibly nonexistent. If there is an advantage to HTML5, it’s in distribution.



WordPress – jQuery

WordPress will load jQuery automatically without you having to add the files yourself. I’ve seen a different methods, some of which do not always work. Here’s the method I use that seems to work reliably.

The following would be added to your functions.php file. If you don’t have a functions.php yet, create one, in your theme folder.


function theme_init() {
	if (!is_admin()) {
add_action('init', 'theme_init');


Note! There can be no characters, this include spaces, or extra lines, in front of the tag. This is good practice. Extra characters outside of the php tag will cause the server to create HTTP header and send it to the browser before WordPress is ready.

If you already have a funtions.php file in your theme, you can add the snippet above, without the <?php.

WordPress loads jQuery in “No Conflict” mode. This means that jQuery will be accessed through the variable jQuery rather than the $. To work with this easily, set up your document ready actions like this:

jQuery(function($){ // Notice the $ here!
		var index = $(this).index();

Notice here, that jQuery (note the uppercase Q!) replaces the $ outisde the ready function. While inside the function I’ve used the $. This is possible by including the $ as a parameter to the function inside jQuery(function($){}). Placing this variable here allows jQuery to assign itself to this name, so inside of the function you can use that variable in place of jQuery.