Kimili Flash Plugin

Testing the Kimili Flash plugin for WordPress. It seems to be working pretty well so far.

[kml_flashembed movie=”” height=”300″ width=”300″ /]

Interesting to note that the plugin is supposed to work with Flash anywhere it appears. So you can use KimiliFlash to put Flash into your header or other areas of your site.

Another interesting item is that the Kimili plugin uses SWFObject: Javascript Flash Player detection and embed script which is XHTML valid. The default Flash HTML code written by Flash and Dreamweaver will not validate.

There is an article about this on A List Apart.

Flash Banner

I’m just beginning with WordPress. I thought I would attempt to add a Flash Banner to the page. After a few attempts this turned out to be not very difficult. The banner above with my name is made with Flash. I needed a test movie so I made a movie with the name as the only element. This worked pretty good.

Hopefully I will replace this banner with something more interesting in the near future.